Photographer Attempts To Have A Christmas Card Photoshoot With Her Husky, And The Result Is Just Too Funny

Don’t work with animals and children they say. This couldn’t be more evident in the case for the famously grumpy Siberian husky Anuko, judging from the results of his festive photoshoot.

With Anuko however, looks can be deceiving. “He has a dark black mask around his face that makes him look that way. It runs in his family,” his owner and photographer Jasmine told us. His surly, steely expression isn’t down to any kind of innately grumpy character, quite the opposite in fact. He is actually a very relaxed and kind dog who shows a great enthusiasm for the fun things in life. “He’s mostly chilled out, very quiet. He’s not overbearing so doesn’t like cuddles that much, but if you leave the room he will follow. He’s like my little shadow and he intervenes when he sees necessary – something that’s benefited me a lot regarding my mental health” Jasmine told us.

While Anuko may appear to resent the very concept of Christmas, he actually doesn’t find it so bad. So it appears that no matter how grumpy Anuko seems to be on the outside, he and Jasmine could not be happier in each other’s company and the story really illustrates the power of the bond between human and animal.

Scroll down below to check out Anuko’s hilariously grumpy (though not really) photoshoot!



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