Artists Create the unFappening: Re-Dressing Nude Celebrities (NSFW)


As celeb nudes continue to leak in the recently coined ‘The Fappening’, one movement is bringing decency to its victims. A project named The UNFappening is seeking to cover up the goodies exposed, while showcasing the works of artists at the same time. And it is amazing.

Taking submissions form the public, the site publishes celeb nudes as tastefully covered by artists. The results are mixed: some are intriguing, some are clever and some are just plain funny.

But more than just mere edits, the pieces have spun the original ‘Fappening’ on its head.  The movement has taken power from those behind the leaks, instead celebrating the bodies of those involved as art.

We in no way support or condone the leaked pictures, but can’t help but agree with The UNFappening’s statement:“The fappening happened. We can’t change that. But we can cover it up. It’s the least we can do.”


















And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


36 responses to “Artists Create the unFappening: Re-Dressing Nude Celebrities (NSFW)”

  1. Good thing I have all the originals then isn’t it XDDD

  2. MY gwaaaaaaaaaaad! all this look like they were TERRIBLE looking before the added clothes! Im glad i havent seen the originals.
    Wtf is wrong with ppl.

  3. Oh wow.. I missed some of those.. Some are new..Now I have to look for the real ones….. Thanks

  4. NO. That means “take the bad pictures, art them up, and we set up a whole site to get clicks”. Which means they’re getting paid for the clicks. And they just asked for the losers who HAVE the pics to “be artistic and send them to us!”.
    Did you even do a WHOIS to see who the *sshole in NZ who set it up is?

  5. Machinesbleedtoo Avatar

    That is humiliating, PERPETUATING THE PHOTOS, slut-shamey and *not only that* they are no better than the people who sought the photos out. Because they did too. Actively participating in their breach of privacy. Most of them were barely even covered.

    Shame on you for posting this. This is still bullying.

  6. I’d like to see the originals, just for comparison.

  7. whats that weird pic with the horse? Who is that?

  8. So I get that this is supposed to make light of the situation, but how on earth is this any less of a violation than those who look at the pictures and choose to not “doodle” on them. These people have effectively accessed stolen photos and then edited them with “creativity” and so now we are to believe this is ok because even though we still violated them, we altered the photo to get back at the perverted criminals who essentially did the same thing sans Microsoft Paint edits? Not sure this is the right way to stand up for these women.

    1. E.Z.Geese Avatar

      Don’t use the word creativity with these pictures. Just believe they are the mindless happenings of someone wasting time. There isn’t a stolen photo either, it’s called “right click, save image as” ;)

  9. For the women whose photos were stolen (not leaked, but hacked and stolen), some have drawn criticism and of course the usual “slut” shaming by the public. I think the point of the campaign is to ask the question “Why the F’ do we really care about nude photos of anyone?” We get so riled up about it, but there is so much sex in the media, advertising, TV, online (and most everywhere else) that nude photos of celebrities (or anyone) are simply not news. And the images certainly don’t warrant any blight on their character. I say good for them. They are young and beautiful and won’t always be so. I hope they shine on and hold their heads up high and F’ anyone who tries to label them.

    1. GetYourFactsStraight Avatar

      “Leaked” photos are always stolen. When a media outlet posts “leaked” photos of a celebrity it is because the pros outweigh the cons. It is stolen property and there will be consequences, every time, no exceptions. If they can make more money or publicity with the content then it will be released regardless. In most cases the content is “hacked” in this case iCloud accounts were broken into, and the content was published by the general public. If it were the case of a media outlet publishing the content, there would not be nearly as much backlash. Some entity would have taken the fall and that would have been the end of it, in the case of the public publishing the content there is no one person that can be singled out. I agree that it’s ridiculous that people give a shit about these photos, though I think it’s ridiculous to continue this with these photos. It’s only creating more and more publicity for the leaked photos.

      1. Anyone taking nude photos deserves this. You violated your own privacy when you used a device you have absolutely no idea how it works and who has access to it, and decided it would be smart to violate yourself. Boo hoo… You’re not a slut, you’re a moron.

        1. satan is stupid Avatar
          satan is stupid

          That’s a ridiculously stupid way of putting it. That’s like saying if someone had their house broken into and money was stolen, they’re an idiot who deserves it because they don’t know how a door works.

          1. Hey, I’m definitely an idiot…. Don’t ever absorb anything I say… Except from now on, don’t take nudes unless you could care less people get a hold of them. I figured everyone would have learned this shit from the Pamela Anderson video. Nothing is sacred when it can be digitally reproduced without your permission.

            Apple should have to shell out some comfort cash to the victims and they should also hire some real pros, instead of the hobos who do their cloud security.

      2. That’s not true, a small portion of leaked photos are posted to twitter or instagram or something by accident by the individual. You’re right that most of them are stolen but tons of photos have been leaked by the person, and when you post something in a public space people definitely aren’t stealing it when they save it and repost it.

        1. GetYourFactsStraight Avatar

          Actually yes they are stealing when they save it and repost it. Everything that is saved and reposted is stolen, copywrited material. Whether or not there were any other crimes being committed such as hacking is irrelevant. If you don’t have the owners consent to use the material you are breaking the law when you do.

  10. Honestly, this isn’t much better. I inwardly cringed at how humiliating some were.

    1. guestrogen Avatar

      Yeah, these people aren’t any better ethically than the people who look at the undoctored pictures. They just delude themselves into thinking they’re good people.

      1. Ethics? Sexual urges pertaining to the world’s most beautiful women has nothing to do with ethics, you jaded little monkey. The only reason these women are famous is because we want to fuck them… Jesus… Ethics…

        1. Because the only reason attractive women are ever famous is because men want to fuck them. Okay.

          1. drew wilson Avatar
            drew wilson

            These women, yes.

        2. Soumyadeep Basu Avatar
          Soumyadeep Basu

          ‘jaded little monkey’ ~ I chuckled. Here, have an upvote you devil you.

      2. Machinesbleedtoo Avatar

        110% agreed

  11. That just makes it a tad less bad.
    Most of them are still very sexually charged, like the dirndl one – I would have loved for them all to be like Kate Upton’s fruit shop.

    1. That’s the only one that made me lol. The guy that made it is a genius.

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