Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin’s Son Is An Award Winning Photographer

It might only seem like yesterday, but it's been more than 12 years since the 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin was tragically killed by a stingray barb in 2006.

Robert Irwin, the son of Steve Irwin, is following in his late father's footsteps and is helping the world to fall in love with nature.

Since a very young age, Robert was fascinated with the natural world. Now, together with his family, he travels the planet and captures the beauty of the animal kingdom. The talented 13-year-old is sharing his wildlife photography on Instagram and people are loving it.

Take a look at some of Robert's images below and vote for your favorite ones.


14-year-old Robert is following his late father's footsteps and helping the world fall in love with nature

Since a very young age, Robert Irwin was fascinated with the natural world

His wildlife images were recognized in many photography contests and the young artist continues impressing people with amazing images

Irwin family not only owns and works at Australia's Zoo but also travels the planet to spread a message of conservation

Robert uses these opportunities to capture the beauty of animals around the world



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