Designer Identifies Striking Color Palettes of Beloved TV Shows, Films, and Music Videos

Color means a lot to a lot of people. To some people, it means everything. Color is particularly important in art, design, and film, and plays a vital role in fostering the mood of a composition or scene. 

Palette Maniac has a self obsessed “love for colors” that defines the entirety of her Instagram account. Using screencaps from film, television shows, and music videos, she extracts the prevailing color palettes and displays them underneath the image. Sometimes, the result highlights the dramatic array of colors that an art director employs, while in other instances, the scene is characterized by its distinct lack of chromatic range.

The Palette Maniac feed features a variety of media, so you’re not going to be familiar with every single color palette source. But scrolling through, you can at least infer the emotion of that particular scene. It yet again proves how color, as much as dialogue or music, can affect how we perceive something. A set of hues can also act as a signature—Wes Anderson is a great example. His cotton-candy and desaturated colors are an instantly recognizable facet of his work.

Scroll down to see them all.



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