Friday Funnies: The Best GIFs From Around the World, Ever.


It’s been a long, long week. Floods in the southern hemisphere, heat waves in the northern hemisphere, and lots of people screaming at the television as men chase a round ball around the field.

So sit back, relax, and bring a smile to your face as you view the funniest GIFs from around the world.

Remember to share it with your friends.





  00292dccb3c1aa870bd923178a066b5f   327d73035c6d42f68946693428f51b79   a26950bffeb87fa5b04b268fd34c49b9   ba090f5c02f825970ab761a1c5651241   c35d7592a8d316ce680e6407779827c8   d671767ffe9016b6c7eb80327d7e0f9d   dacfbd810cc355aa603a385717a48343   ecc60b1f0d137840cbc62d73961c00c0   f4b29e89bbad323d87eb4f4efabe0883   f560c6f5644c644572ae672ca9a9ec35 And don't forget, if you're looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


One response to “Friday Funnies: The Best GIFs From Around the World, Ever.”

  1. debbiedowner3 Avatar

    Hey assholes,

    Stop breaking into my house to render these on my 486 Win 3.1 machine.

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