Heartbreaking Colorized War Photos That Were Rejected By Everyone Until I Posted Them On artFido

About five years ago I made a portfolio of colorized images of World War II and reached out to various organizations dedicated to preserving the memory of this horrific period in history about the possibility of working with them. Many of them didn’t respond and the ones that did didn’t seem interested in colorized images of the World War II. They didn’t see what I saw, that colorized images of the war could help us to relate to the precious lives of the people that we had lost.

I abandoned the project until last year when I saw a news article in the New York Times that had been published on Remembrance Day with shocking figures about the number of people who lacked basic knowledge of the Holocaust in the United States. The figures were especially high among Millennials.

So here they are again. Please let me know if you like them.

More info: joachimwest.com | Instagram



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