Hyper Realistic Bath Time PAINTINGS That Will Blow Your Mind


Alyssa Monks is a New Jersey-based artist who’s most famous for her stunning hyper realistic paintings.

Although they seem like photographs, these are actually very detailed portraits of bathing people. “Using filters such as glass, vinyl, water, and steam, I distort the body in shallow painted spaces,“ Monks said of her techniques.

When I began painting the human body, I was obsessed with it and needed to create as much realism as possible. I chased realism until it began to unravel and deconstruct itself,” the award winning artist states, “I am exploring the possibility and potential where representational painting and abstraction meet – if both can coexist in the same moment.”





hyper-realistic-paintings-alyssa-monks-6 hyper-realistic-paintings-alyssa-monks-7 hyper-realistic-paintings-alyssa-monks-8 hyper-realistic-paintings-alyssa-monks-9 hyper-realistic-paintings-alyssa-monks-10 hyper-realistic-paintings-alyssa-monks-11 And don't forget, if you're looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


2 responses to “Hyper Realistic Bath Time PAINTINGS That Will Blow Your Mind”

  1. Gregg Woodcox Avatar
    Gregg Woodcox

    Awesome talent Bravo

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