Incredibly Realistic Rainy Day Paintings by Karen Woods

On a rainy afternoon, artist Karen Woods observes large raindrops as they transform windshields and window panes into beautiful formations. She then converts those meditative moments into mesmerizing oil paintings that capture the tranquility of a quiet, stormy day.

In her paintings, Woods turns everyday urban scenes into impressive moments filled with captivating distortions. She pays close attention to details, providing her viewers with an opportunity to really feel the mood of different types of weather, from windy days where water streaks across the glass to leftover drops that remain still after a storm. Through lights and shadows, the artist captures amazing, hyperrealistic depth, and, while looking at the paintings, viewers can almost hear the pitter-patter of rainfall on glass.

And don't forget, if you're looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


3 responses to “Incredibly Realistic Rainy Day Paintings by Karen Woods”

  1. what do here painting go for? These are really something original and captivating to look at!

  2. Pcygniime Avatar

    Some very good artistry on her part! Bravo Karen.

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