Inflatable Red Ball Art Installation Gets Loose, Rolls Around Toledo


Well this certainly isn’t something you see every day… a man caught on video the moment a public art installation in Toledo, Ohio – a giant, 250-pound red ball – decided to run away and start rolling down streets lined with parked cars.

Part of a Toledo Museum of Art exhibit, the RedBall Project by artist Kurt Perschke had been wedged between Roulet Jewelers and Ice Restaurant in downtown Toledo when a thunderstorm and strong winds this past Wednesday evening knocked the ball loose and caused it to start rolling away, according to Kelly Garrow, the museum’s director of communications.

“It started pouring rain, so the ball was wet and slippery,” Garrow said. “The wind picked up, and it popped up and just started going. You can see in the video that’s going viral that it rolled about halfway down a block and then mysteriously took a left-hand turn. It made its way partially down the street before people caught up with it.”

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