Japanese Illustrator Imagines A World Where Humans Live Among Giant Animals

This mysterious Japanese artist, who goes by the pseudonym of Ariduka55 on social media channels, creates otherwordly illustrations that breathe life into a completely new fantasy world where giant animals live and evolve alongside humans. These illustrations are inspired by our ordinary world with the exception that the little animals – cats, dogs, rabbits, owls, raccoons – are close in size to a three-storey building.

It seems the artist likes to indulge himself with illustrations that depict soft and cuddly animals – pandas, rabbits, dogs and the like – although, it's pretty evident that the cats are the apples of the artist's eye. The atmosphere in the pictures is almost always etherial and peaceful, complete with story-telling elements in their compositions. Many of the illustrations are marked with soft sunshine filtering through various objects, including leaves and windows.

Fun fact, the Japanese even have a word for sunlight streaming through the leaves of the trees – komorebi (木漏れ日). It's a term for a light curtain and the shadow it creates on the ground, a term that eloquently describes this everyday beauty.

You can buy your very own work by Ariduka55 by going HERE.



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