Kids Draw the Darndest Things…


As the saying goes, children say the darndest things. What this blog will show you, however, is that kids also draw the darndest things!

The images speak for themselves really. The coloring books of kids on full display. We love them!

[ABOVE]#1 Little Girl Drew A Picture Of Her Mom At Work. The Mother Is Actually Selling A Snow Shovel At Home Depot

#2 “Hulk Smashes The Kardashians” By My 10-Year-Old Son

"Hulk Smashes The Kardashians" By My 10-Year-Old Son

#3 I Come In Peace

I Come In Peace

#4 I Think The Kid Meant “Cook”

I Think The Kid Meant "Cook"

#5 I Worked A Kindergarten Graduation Service Where The Kids Drew Their Own Programs. Obviously It’s A Lighthouse

I Worked A Kindergarten Graduation Service Where The Kids Drew Their Own Programs. Obviously It's A Lighthouse

#6 My Friend’s Daughter Had A School Assignment To Write One Sentence About A Family Member And Draw A Picture About It

My Friend's Daughter Had A School Assignment To Write One Sentence About A Family Member And Draw A Picture About It

#7 My 5-Year-Old Cousin’s First Drawing Of Her Mum

My 5-Year-Old Cousin's First Drawing Of Her Mum

#8 Made A Book For My Dad For Father’s Day. My 13 Year Old Sister Could Use Practice Drawing Whistles

Made A Book For My Dad For Father's Day. My 13 Year Old Sister Could Use Practice Drawing Whistles

#9 My Cousin Valerie Babysits A Child Who Is Not Very Fond Of Her

My Cousin Valerie Babysits A Child Who Is Not Very Fond Of Her

#10 I Love The Beach

I Love The Beach

#11 The Reason My Son’s Teacher Asked To Talk To Me

The Reason My Son's Teacher Asked To Talk To Me

#12 My Uncle’s A Firefighter. One Of The Kids They Rescued Drew Up A Thank You Note

My Uncle's A Firefighter. One Of The Kids They Rescued Drew Up A Thank You Note

#13 What A Lovely Drawing, Dear

What A Lovely Drawing, Dear

#14 My Kid’s Drawing About Her First Day Of Kindergarten. It’s Her Teacher

My Kid's Drawing About Her First Day Of Kindergarten. It's Her Teacher

#15 Keep Yourself Clean

Keep Yourself Clean

#16 So, My 6 Year Old Sister Was In A Fight With My Dad So She Drew This

So, My 6 Year Old Sister Was In A Fight With My Dad So She Drew This

#17 My Brother Teases Our Little Sister With Chalkboard Drawings Every Day. This Was Today’s

My Brother Teases Our Little Sister With Chalkboard Drawings Every Day. This Was Today's

#18 My 5-Year-Old Daughter Drew A Picture Of Her At The Farm Holding A Shovel

My 5-Year-Old Daughter Drew A Picture Of Her At The Farm Holding A Shovel

#19 And One Night While We Were Listening To Old School Rap He Drew Two Turn Tables

And One Night While We Were Listening To Old School Rap He Drew Two Turn Tables

#20 This Was My Daughters Artwork About A Monkey And A Lion

This Was My Daughters Artwork About A Monkey And A Lion

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


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