Photographer Creates Incredibly Surreal Scene Using 17 Square Meters of Mirror

Erik Johansson is a Swedish-born artist based in Prague who creates surreal images by recombining photographs and other materials. He captures ideas by combining images in new ways to create what looks like a real photograph, yet with logical inconsistencies to impart an effect of surrealism.

For a particular photograph titled Impact (pictured above and below), it took 17 square meters of mirror, a boat, and months of work to create the extraordinary final result. Most of his surreal creations begin as a simple sketch, before Johansson finds a location to match his vision and begins to collect hundreds of similarly lit photographs in the area. He then seamlessly merges theses shots, meticulously forming his characteristic multi-layered optical illusions.

Citing M.C. Escher and Salvador Dal as inspiration sources, Johansson says, “The only thing that limits us is our imagination.”

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