Russian Photographer Takes Stunning Portraits With REAL Animals

What you’re about to see is not Photoshop – Moscow-based Russian photographer Katerina Plotnikova created these stunning images with the help of real live animals! While seemingly dangerous, these shots were made possible with the help of professional animal trainers. The bear, held by many as a symbol of primal strength and instinct, contrasts especially well with the elegant princess it has embraced. Fortunately, she has provided us with a few adorable behind-the-scenes photos showing how the animals are posed by their trainers, including a shot where the bear sneaks a snack from its trainer over the model’s shoulder.

Even without the well-trained animals, her photos possess a rich mysticism and dream-like quality that makes them absolutely enchanting. Plotnikova’s human models exude a quiet regal air that is only made all the more arresting by their animal companions.




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2 responses to “Russian Photographer Takes Stunning Portraits With REAL Animals”

  1. Sophie Mc Avatar
    Sophie Mc

    No. No. Wild animals are not “trained” in humane ways. Elephants are chained, tigers and bears are beaten into submission and have their spirits broken, their instincts beaten out of them. This is not beautiful, it’s sad. Why not focus on the amazing photographers out there who capture these animals in their natural environment instead of being used as props?

  2. They’re all fantastic, but I particularly like the one with the owl’s extend wing.

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