Surprising Food Comparisons From A Nutrition Coach That Destroy Dieting Myths – Do You Agree With Him?

According to personal trainer & nutrition coach Graeme Tomlinson, people can lose fat or build muscle by eating foods they enjoy, as opposed to following a restrictive diet. Nutrition, however, is a complicated and tricky topic, and anyone can get confused in the abundance of the information surrounding it. To clear things up, Tomlinson is educating his followers one Instagram post at a time, debunking a lot of popular myths along the way.

"I've been interested in fitness and nutrition since I was young – I used to play semi-professional cricket," The Fitness Chef said. Now, it has already been 5 years since Tomlinson became a professional personal trainer & nutrition coach. The man also creates recipes for Men’s Health.

"The biggest problems that people who are trying to get in shape face are a lack of education and a mirage of false misinformation," he added. Tomlinson thinks that the best way to tackle them is surrounding yourself with evidence-based information. Thus, the motto of his nutrition beliefs, "Evidence-based. Simple. No B.S." Continue scrolling to check out his visual arguments, and you will definitely understand calories a little better.

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