Wiki Has Released Over 83,500 Vintage Sewing Patterns Online For Download

Like sewing? Well you’ll love this news: the Vintage Patterns Wiki has released more than 83,500 patterns of pre 1992, out of print patterns for all to use.

The browsable collection runs the gamut from Dynasty-inspired pussy bow power suits to Betty Draper-esque frocks featuring models in white gloves to an 1895 boys’ Reefer Suit with fly-free short trousers.

Visitors can narrow their search to focus on a particular garment, designer or decade. If you click these links, you can see patterns from the following decades: 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.

The movie star collection is particularly fun. (Flattering or no, I’ve always wanted a pair of Katharine Hepburn pants…)



12 responses to “Wiki Has Released Over 83,500 Vintage Sewing Patterns Online For Download”

  1. Zandra Zamora

    I too was looking for a pattern and am very confused by the website’s description. I too am very disappointed .I won’t be recommending this to my friends.

  2. Johann Taylor

    There are no free patterns. This article is misleading and incorrect. Either post links to down load the patterns or remove this article.

  3. Please remove this article. It is click bait and completely inaccurate.

  4. That’s a bit disappointing……thank you for clarifying

    1. Why go thru all the trouble to post them? I read a link that said they were free,t eh patterns. That is what brought me to this site.

  5. I had no problem finding them…just click on the Vintage pattern link in the first sentence…

  6. Cristabel Avatar

    This is my first time on here. looks interesting. I’m hoping to fine a pattern that I’ve been looking for for ages. I’ll have to post the pattern number and hope for the best.

  7. Me, too. I retracted my post as soon as I learned. No since in making others upset over it.

  8. I dont understand how to download or but a pattern

    1. You can’t. It’s just a database of pattern envelopes & information, which is great for reasearch, but there are no free patterns. The blog ost is misleading in it’s title.

      1. It is a site for people who are selling vintage sewing patterns to put links to the places they are selling the sewing patterns. It was created to do that. There aren’t any sewing patterns to download. The title of this blog is VERY misleading!

        1. Johann Taylor

          I’ve clicked on lots and most have no link to people selling them

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