Woman Gets Her Body Photoshopped in 18 Countries To Examine Global Beauty Standards

Inspired by artist Esther Honig and using the below original picture, a U.K.-based online doctor service asked graphic designers from around the world to photoshop the model’s form by making her, in their opinion, more attractive to other citizens of each of their countries.

“Widely held perceptions of beauty and perfection can have a deep and lasting cultural impact on both women and men,” the service said. “The goal of this project is to better understand potentially unrealistic standards of beauty and to see how such pressures vary around the world.”

The results are very interesting, don’t you think?




















30 responses to “Woman Gets Her Body Photoshopped in 18 Countries To Examine Global Beauty Standards”

  1. Anatomyisimportant Avatar

    why did the “artist” feel the need to put that girl’s face on another person’s body in the original image (note the wording “original” wanting you to believe it wasn’t edited)? Human anatomy and proportions are important if you want to make a believable image.

  2. Daniella Avatar

    Where is Bulgaria? :D

  3. italy is just trolling lol

  4. All except Italy and China are really fat. From when fat girls are beauty standards? Maby in trough…

  5. Hovdizzle Avatar

    Jesus I’ve seen blind people do better photoshop jobs.

    1. Hovdizzle Avatar

      Also Venezuela obviously has a penis.

  6. Italy didn’t even try… just copy and pasted her head onto a different body in a similar pose

  7. lazarus1991 Avatar

    I thought Original is USA….

  8. Some of the worst Retouching I have ever seen, and the UK is the worst. If they had taken this image to reputable retouching houses and given a brief you would see a fair representation of retouching. This is a farse. Anyone can give an image to any old sharliton that has no idea about how to use photoshop properly and end up with rubbish like this. Whoever commissioned this obviously didn’t have any money to get this done properly so if you pay peanuts you get monkeys and there are so many monkeys that call themselves retouchers.

    1. 100% agree. I would not be at all surprised if it turned out that she just did all the photoshop (or paint?) ‘work’ herself!

      1. no fool Avatar
        no fool

        blatantly did – netherlands happened to turn her into a hooker? fuck off. what a crock of bollocks

  9. georgios pahatouridis Avatar
    georgios pahatouridis


  10. Stephen Calvert Avatar
    Stephen Calvert

    Should have found some better graphic designers. Most of these look terrible. Pretty sure the dutch one was simply taking the piss.

  11. the worse photoshop ever

  12. I think the Spanish illustrator was that lazy that he didn’t make any change on the pic. That wouldn’t be the ideal girl in Spain in a million of years. The ideal one would be closer to the Argentinian or Italian ones. That girl on the pic would be considered fat in Spain.

  13. Frizbit Avatar

    The China one is just weird. she looks like a doll.

  14. Egypt has some taste bruh, for real

  15. El_Vespa Avatar

    looks like it was sponsored by mac donald.

    1. Dolan pls Avatar
      Dolan pls

      You mean McDolan

  16. College Guy Avatar
    College Guy

    Why even bother having a model, if each country is just going to turn it into a cartoon, anyway?

  17. So now that curvy is accepted in 99% of the world, can fat acceptance… scratch that, cancer acceptance please end? Thanks.

    1. fat doesnt give you cancer you uneducated fuck. other people being fat doesnt affect you in the slightest so plz climb outta their ass thanks.

      1. Excessive fat gives you death and burdens the medical care system just like any other disease.
        Normal fat is not a problem.

        1. Absolutely. There’s fat people who are healthy. Heavyweight lifters look really fat, but that’s mostly muscle and mass that they need to lift. They can move freely, their blood is fine, they exercise daily. I can’t mind that. If someone is so fat that they can’t get on a buss easily, they have a problem and I have zero compassion for them.

      2. 1/3 of all cancers in the world are due to being a fatass. Being fat increases your chances of getting cancer by more than 50%. Heart disease (caused by being fat) is the lead killer of people in America. 2/3 of people in America are fat. 1/3 of kids are fat.

        As a non-smoker thin and fit person, I would much rather have a smoker smoke next to me than a fat arm brush against me and I would much rather smell cigarette smoke than fat sweat. One of the reasons I go so hard on fat people is because I notice how hard people go on smokers, and other people’s fatness is much bigger incovenience to me and a much bigger health risk to them. Their being fat affects me much more than smokers smoking.

        Plus, smokers don’t always raise their kids to be smokers too (both my parents are heavy smokers), where fat people not only raise their kids to be obese, they can give birth to an obese baby. A woman’s fatness is a health risk to her offspring, similar to incest, or drinking/smoking during pregnancy. It affects not only me, but everyone – it affects the people I have to live with. So you can go fuck yourself.

    2. Frizbit Avatar

      You idiot.

      1. As you say, darling. In the mean time, enjoy your fat women or fat men. Unless you’re dating fat people, don’t even dare call me an idiot, because you’re absolutely the same as me. And if you are – thanks for keeping them happy while I have some self-respect.

        1. trolley the troll Avatar
          trolley the troll

          you are trolling the net with the name “Uranus” and think you have self-respect? hmmmmm….

  18. dem ps skillz

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