Artist Photoshops Her Fat Cat Into Famous Artworks


Svetlana Petrova is the proud owner of a fat cat by the name of Zarathustra. According to Svetlana, only the great artists can appreciate the “generous body and sublime soul” of the chubby feline, who weighs about 22 pounds (10 kg).

At, Petrova photoshops her muse into famous artworks, from classics like the Mona Lisa to the contemporary work of Dali. You can see the complete 75+ picture gallery (and growing) here.

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fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-9 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-10 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-11 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-12 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-13 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-8 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-7 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-6 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-5 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-4 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-2 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-3 fat-cat-photoshopped-into-famous-artworks-1 And don't forget, if you're looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


2 responses to “Artist Photoshops Her Fat Cat Into Famous Artworks”

  1. Marc 'Sketch' Blair Avatar
    Marc 'Sketch' Blair

    I thought these were terrible and gimmicky and it sounds like Amy’s friends with the artist…most of these aren’t even American nor is the artist so to see obesity in the US because the cat is fat is just projecting or overreaching for an analogy.

  2. amy cormier flowers Avatar
    amy cormier flowers

    Thank you for sharing this. This is fantastic! It is a combination of hilarity, love, and seriousness all rolled in to one! Clearly it is difficult to not giggle when looking at a kitty cat hungrily eyeing a hamburger on a pitchfork, but the implantation of this cat into these famous images is done without flaw! This cat looks like he/she was originally painted into these paintings. Props to the artist! This great care taken to seamlessly “paint” this cat into other paintings is done with such care it’s very difficult not to participate at least a little bit, in the great love that this artist must feel for their cat. The more serious side of the works comes more from the audience, as it’s difficult not to see a bit of a connection with the obese animal and the current obesity “epidemic” facing the US in general. This series made my day, thank you!

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