‘PlopEgg’ Vagina Egg Paintings by Artist Milo Moire (NSFW)


When we last saw performance artist Milo Moire, she removed all of her clothes and walked down the street, onto a bus, and lined up for a ticket to Art Basel with nothing but a bag, a pair of heels, and the words of the articles of clothing she would normally be wearing written in black marker on her naked body. You can view that walk HERE.

In her latest project, the “PlopEgg Painting Performance – a Birth of a Picture”, Moire squeezed paint-filled eggs out of her vagina, allowing them to burst colorfully onto blank canvases below outside of Art Cologne.


According to Moire:

“I’m interested in pushing boundaries through art, living and expressing my art with my body and mind while opening mental doors. It’s more than just my naked body, my vagina… a lot of people out there are reflecting and I accept when someone doesn’t understand the meaning of my art. Art is personal. When I perform I’m at one with myself, focused and calm. I feel strong, because I’m absolutely convinced about my work.”

What do you think of Moiré’s PlopEggs?











Untitled11 Untitled12

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


83 responses to “‘PlopEgg’ Vagina Egg Paintings by Artist Milo Moire (NSFW)”

  1. Heloneida Avatar

    As a woman I liked more the video of the man who painted with his penis, I forgot the name of the artist, I only remember his performance. :)

  2. Plop sounds about right.

  3. Carolina Zapata Avatar
    Carolina Zapata

    Gosh, it’s so brave to get naked and plop down eggs when you have a perfect 10 body and fake tits..what a risk taker. Carolee Schneemann did something similar in the 70’s but it seemed more visceral and real. She seemed exposed in all her imperfections. In comparison this seems vapid and rather base.

    1. Miguel Crown

      Hear that everyone? Only unattractive people make good artists. Otherwise everything is fake and super easy. After all, no attractive person could possibly feel insecure about being totally nude in public, and art is way more “visceral” and meaningful with cellulite and pimples. That’s where art really gets its depth.

  4. alilrebelchick Avatar


  5. I’m going to cram these eggs up my ass, fart them out, and call myself a FARTIST. $$$

  6. She gets away with it because she’s pretty, and the art world is deathly afraid to dismiss some nonsense as “not art.” They are all terrified of being told that they “don’t get it,” even though there’s nothing to get.

  7. Art is engaging and thought provoking..

  8. Terry McKenna Avatar
    Terry McKenna

    That does it! I’m heading to Europe and doing the perforning-art piece I’ve been dreaming about, where I run down the street naked with a lit Roman candle in my ass, while reciting “Rage Against the Dying of the Light”, while crying and masturbating furiously, the finale being jets of phosphorescent dye-infused sperm fired towards my adoring fans.

  9. Valentina Mitova Avatar
    Valentina Mitova

    Milo…whatever..You are one very, very sick person.Please seek psychiatric help!!! Whoever allowed this – should also join you!

  10. I’m just thinking of swallowing some organic paint and then poop in public!!! so that no body really cares about the bud OR sent but the ART. And Of-course I do care environment! (what a way of making your crappy life colorful)

  11. Totally pathetic….. Good job I was not there I’d have dragged her clean off that stand and called the police, stupid publicity attention seeking stunt and nothing more. The ONLY thing this proves is sexism, if a MAN did this then you better believe 4 police officers would turn up with clubs / tassers / handcuffs and said MAN would be in a jail cell with 20 minutes, but oh wait it has a vagina OH ITS OKAY THEN.

    Make me proper sick, people dying in the world, people starving to death, children getting their arms and legs blown off but by all accounts shitting out eggs in public is more interesting. A REAL artist has a voice, the paint brush is their voice, the guitar they play is their voice, the writing they put on paper is their voice, so this women is just talking shit then basically.

    All this piece actually says to me is….. “Hey I’m a women and don’t give a f**k about my body, I am use to been naked for the world, wow look at me I have a vagina that makes me special and I’m use to having so many different coloured things shoved in there that hey lets stand and do it in public”

    I will ask again…. This women strips off in front of children on the street. What would happen if a man did that? Arrested? Heavily Fined? Thrown in Prison? Beat Up? Put on a sexual offenders register for life?

    As a society we are learning to SELL WOMEN. Each act like this is simply “Destroying Love” and in what another 50 or 100 years love will be obsolete every young women will grow up learning to sell their bodies to the highest male bidders. Us men will not have girlfriends or wives we will simply log on to sex bay and order a girlfriend for the day if we win today’s bid.

    Basically this women is saying its okay for women to be naked anywhere they want and to shove whatever they want inside them, any hole, any colour, and now she wants credit for that, wants throwing in prison in my opinion

  12. Vanessa Alexandra Tavares Vaz Avatar
    Vanessa Alexandra Tavares Vaz

    According to Oxford dictionary:

    “ART- The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

    It doesn’t have to be skilled, time consuming or contain rich materials. It’s all about the emotional expression. I personally didn’t like this either, but I suppose it must awake emotions in some people.


    i neither like or dislike this. Is just that for me art shouldn’t be personal, but rather for everyone, even if they don’t understand, It actually should make you feel fucked in the head. Like this kind of does. But still.. is media pop

  14. Julien Matthey Avatar
    Julien Matthey


  15. Ceci Pipe Avatar
    Ceci Pipe

    NSFW? You blocked out all the NSFW, and what’s left is not NSFW. Art aside, censoring everything then putting NSFW on the link isn’t cool people.

    It starts to move into clickbait at that point, which I guess could be an interesting argument for the continuance of the performance and the capitalisation and devolvement of art, but still…

  16. LeeGold Avatar

    Nice tits… Not sure why she needed to be naked… Oh, wait – she didn’t need to be, she just wanted to be.

    (And if you think this horseshit is art, you are an imbecile)

  17. the funniest thing about this was that while this artist did her thing, another woman unnoticedly placed a hard-boiled egg on the canvas. when the artist noticed it later she was overly troubled and removed it most carefully, concerned that her piece had been sustained damage by the other egg.

  18. Selena Gavala Avatar
    Selena Gavala

    My english are not so good but that’s what I have to say.
    Sorry, sweetie but that IS NOT art! That’s a humiliation moment! The result was nothing, and your interview was not enough to support your “work”(….)
    You know, there are soooo many great Artists(!!!) who work and study too many hours, every day and when they stop and stare their gorgeous masterpieces they say, “hmm… ook….”, or even “oh god, I hate it!”, and then they keep working, until they become better and better! Now, whatever is that you’re doing (or you think you’re doing!) with such a confidence, is absolutely offensive, mainly, to those people!
    So, If you want so badly to get attention, you don’t have to get naked, you may simply say something remarkable!!!
    Excuse me again for my english, but I think I made my point!

  19. Sixx Roxx Durden Avatar
    Sixx Roxx Durden

    Please get me off of this planet! Absolutely disgusting

  20. I guess that’s one way to show off an unfortunate boob job. Next time, have them place the nipples somewhere within the boundaries of the probable.

  21. Ne_Momma Avatar

    No matter how she got to it, the final product is quite appealing to me. To be an artist one does not have to just paint by hand, draw or sculpt. This is art it its own way. Kind of odd lol but still art.

  22. Johnny Bravo Avatar
    Johnny Bravo

    She needs to get laid :p i would love to take those eggs out from hee vagina with my ummmm yummyy

  23. So you show a video with a nude woman, but then black out her nude body? Are you people stupid? Just let Art be ART without the Censorship…. WE ARE ADULTS HERE!

  24. That reminds me an old Russian joke: what is the difference between the art installation and art performance? If you first shit on your neighbor’s doormat and then ring the bell – it’s an installation. If you first ring the bell and then shit on the doormat – it’s a performance.

    1. Terry McKenna Avatar
      Terry McKenna

      I’m laughing so hard, tears are streaming down my cheeks!

  25. Alice Fitzpatrick Avatar
    Alice Fitzpatrick

    Not art. It took no skill. Just… Ugh.

  26. cervelletto Avatar

    this is really crazy shit

  27. Disappointed Avatar

    People would only buy it for the “shock” factor, and or for the “conversation piece” not because it is supposedly “art”. It is nothing but another version of reality tv where people do something controversial, just for their 15 minutes of fame, or so they make a couple of dollars that they didn’t otherwise earn.

  28. You look for some personality disorder symptoms? There you go….

  29. Darth Bluto Avatar
    Darth Bluto

    I do that with my anus, but I only work in earth tones.

  30. Maxime Laville Avatar
    Maxime Laville

    Do i understand nothing from art? Or is she shitting paintballs?

  31. Jet Black Daisies Avatar
    Jet Black Daisies

    I’m sorry. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Anymore it’s how shocking you are, not the heart and soul put into it. It’s the only way you get your name in the headlines as an artist. I’ve seen people with more talent get less recognition. This is attention seeking, not talent.

  32. A true reflection of western society in the 21st century. No shame, no respect, no decency, just self absorbed attention seeking rubbish.

  33. павел Avatar

    Вот они ваши европейские ценности, скоро трахаться будете и называть это искусством. Деградировали ниже плинтуса уже

  34. jake hollywood Avatar
    jake hollywood

    It could be that all of you that are leaving negative comments are in fact falling under the term of HATER! Heres a newsflash for you! Who cares if others have done this before her?! Who carss if its not totally original and she just folded it over to make a double, which actually by the way it very beautiful and actually not quite double. Each side is very unique. Similair yet it has differences. Heres the most unique part, are you ready for it…. here it comes… it is because she did it!!! Not you or members of your court <—- get it? Your judging her because you dont like it! Being negative and making negative comments is in fact casting judgment. She already said that she is completely comfortable with her artform and body, so be it. If someone wants to be an artist, I say let them be an artist! If this woman wants to be comfortable with her naked body, get up on platform and show it off while she does PlopEgg art then…… BINGO! you guessed it! Thats exactly what she is doing and did! If her fans like then guess what it aint a "if" but a do. Her fans and admirers do! If you want to be an artist by taking buckets of paint and just dumping them on the canvas then please do so and make it beautifully! Because in fact any art is beautiful! It is a creation from nothing to something! You are also correct that anything and everything is art. Some people make mowing lawns an artform, by the way they mow the lines into the lawns. Who evrr it was that said you could just drop them with your hand onto the canvas.,,,, you are absolutely right! You should definately do that! Ill bet you could produce some very beautiful works of art if you got comfortable with it. If you wanna do it naked and perform on a platform, by golly you should do that as well!!

    1. Her fans just like to see titties and vaginas.

      1. Jet Black Daisies Avatar
        Jet Black Daisies


    2. Selena Gavala Avatar
      Selena Gavala

      Art must have something to teach you anyway. what the fuck does she try to teach??? neither she knows, because there’s nothing at all!!!

  35. Stu MacKenzie Avatar
    Stu MacKenzie

    Anyone (with a vagina/arse cheeks) could drop eggs on a large sheet of paper.
    Now, if she could fire them out and hit a dartboard at 30 yards, I’d pay to see that.

  36. Llael McDonald Avatar
    Llael McDonald

    I’m a female artist who has been exhibiting my work for over 20 years internationaly and domestically. I don’t understand why you think it’s a step forward for female artist to concentrate on being so vaginal, shockingly feminist or even a bit feminin. by constantly banging on about the feminine and being female, you are holding women back as artists. We should be regarded as simply artists neither female or male and if you can only produce work that hurtles you into a certain stereotype rather than put you in a neutral observational position, which is the whole point of the artist, your not very good at what you do. Know one cares about the word vagina or your naked body for god sake it’s the 21st century! Your just wanting them to care so you feel your work is validated. Shock jock art is the medium of the talentless. Boring, Boring, Boring and archaic!

    1. Ceci Pipe Avatar
      Ceci Pipe

      Two things, then I’m done.

      1) “PlopEgg Painting Performance – a Birth of a Picture”

      You didn’t get the point from there? Creation, birth, art reflecting life, life reflecting art, life into art, birth into art…

      2) “It’s more than just my naked body, my vagina…”

      That’s in the article. The article noted that with her name. She said that. She agreed with you, and I can’t see anywhere in the article where they hyped the vagina or nakedness, other than the NSFW/censoring nonsense.

      So she said it’s not just about her body or vagina, that she accepts that people misunderstand the point, so you instantly go for shock jock?

      I hate shock art, it’s pointless and pathetic. Painting with ashes from Auschwitz is not cool, it’s to make up for mediocrity. Lolita wasn’t expressive and insightful, it was a fairly dreary novel and the only reason anyone knows about it is thanks to the abuse of a young girl. Who’s called a slut because she wasn’t pure enough for the protagonist. Is it art? Maybe when I’m old and grey, if I make it that far, I’ll have a second opinion, but as is no fucking way. It’s the equivalent of yelling “cunt” in a crowded room.

      Sure lots of people look, but it’s sooooo blasé and boarish and _crude_. The sort of thing a trollop would come up with and think they’re cool. Actually yelling cunt in a crowded room could actually be valid, a commentary on the perception of cool and the shallowness of fame and celebrities in general.

      But again, if it’s shock value, it’s pointless. She explicitly stated otherwise though, the name implies at least some thought was put into it, so to instantly dismiss it as shock shit is kind of mean and very… Haha. Shallow. Seems I need to find a crowded room. :P

      1. Terry McKenna Avatar
        Terry McKenna

        Actually, painting with ashes from Auschwitz makes more sense to me.

    2. Ceci Pipe Avatar
      Ceci Pipe

      Actually, I feel this needs to go here. Sorry.

      3) I feel I should note that while she does talk about femininity a lot, and she has spoken of the source of female power, the vagina, I’ve found her to be a natural progression from a lot of other performance artists. Started with human statues, eventually ended up at Abramović and then Moiré, so I don’t dismiss her as quickly. If my introduction to performance art was Moiré then sure, shock shit all the way.

      As it is, ehhhhhh.

      Not being female I likely shouldn’t comment on the… No. Distancing each other was your initial objection, yes?

      In which case back to the title. Birth of a painting. Before patriarchy there was likely an equal society, or possibly even matriarchy, as a very long time ago, 35000 BCE if memory serves. This is evidenced by Venus figurines, which are exactly what they sound like, figurines of a woman which strongly emphasise the parts for childbearing. Large thighs, swollen stomach, exaggerated vagina. Woman was the source of life. Hell, woman still is the source of life. Guys contribute sperm and that’s about it, which is a major difference between the sexes. It shouldn’t be something gross or not talked about, breast feeding in public shouldn’t be illegal, women should be able to go shirtless when men do, etc, and so on.

      And as a fan of comics, more specifically comics turned into movies that are basically a Western version of, or a Hollywood response to, Chinese in specific and Asian in general wushu films. Expressionist films where everything is exaggerated, where the swordsman runs up droplets of water, where colour is emphasised, impressionistic. So movies like The Watchmen start to count as art, and characters like Rorschach really come out in such a work. Which is probably the worst introduction to the idea of a Rorschach, but I’m slow. Sue me. And once I had moved through that adventure, going from impressionism to abstract art was no longer hard. From viewing with emotions, to chaos, seeing the universe as an unordered realm of roiling chemicals and random rules colliding, well it helps here.

      Between that and my musical journey, with 4’33” making an appearance, I start to appreciate the randomness of such a piece as this.

      So when she uses something like “birth” in the title, and talks about femininity and the vagina, and the result is a pseudo random collection of colours and splatters, this is the context I’m taking it in.

      A natural progression of other performance artists, combined with my history class noting that pre-patriarchal society likely did exist, using statues that emphasise exactly what she talks about, with the ability to go from a discussion on art reflecting life, reflecting art, becoming life, creation, to something discussing the apparent shock value of her piece, then I start to feel she’s done her job as an artist.

      So while stuffing paint filled eggs into her vagina and pushing them out onto a canvas at first glance is just vulgar, it… Well it’s art I guess. It relies as much on the audience as it does performer, the discussion becomes part of reason for the piece, and it’s subjective as all hell.

      Tangential and tangled point full of irrelevance being, I get it.

    3. Shane Phillips Avatar
      Shane Phillips

      Thank you.

      An argument I’ve always made about feminists is this overarching obsession with what they are instead of focusing on who they are, like I feel every human being should. All this obsession with being a woman and having a vagina seems to make them act crazy, it’s just seeking attention for the sake of attention.

      I’ve always been of the opinion that it’s the quality of a person’s character that defines them, and feminists seem to have missed that point entirely.

  37. Reaper73 Avatar

    15 years ago this would have been laughed at on the Eurotrash TV show, never mind now.

    Absolutely nothing original about this whatsoever. The only though-provoking response I have is to throw eggs at her. Would that be “meta” art?

  38. not everything an artist does it art, nonetheless good art. I understand that she is throwing back to the ‘Gutai’ painters, but in my opinion good art is original. Nothing about this is original, its just worth the shock value to people who have never seen such a thing before. It is about time we try to reel it in. I am far from conservative when it comes to fine art, but I also call it how I see it, and this is smut. If artists replicated Picasso, we would call them a hack would we not?

  39. Mick Wood Avatar
    Mick Wood

    Repulsive, pathetic, attention seeking, dumb assed bitch!

  40. I’m liking that the paint in the middle looks a bit like the ovaries! Like an explosion of life from the ovaries. Quite apt considering where the paint came from. :)

  41. Zuluuuuuu Avatar

    If I had her body I would walk around nude all the time :-) it’s a very weird piece of “art”/porn but I guess she has to pay for those boobs somehow ;-)

  42. Hedoran Avatar

    I’m open to art, but sometimes, It make me sad to think that it’s a way to justify a lot of eccentricities … Since the “ready made” of Duchamp has been made, almost everything is used to shock the observer. It became a way to earn notoriety. By doing this, they also raise the limits of what is shocking opinion. And the effect is that it’s harder to touch people. So they’ll have to cross higher limits. The big problem is : Where art end to become narcissism? What is the final limit?

    There are many other smartest ways to improve people sensibility to art.

  43. this is a new low, I’m surprised to see people admiring it, isn’t it enough that the result itself is horrible?! and now we get to see how it’s made? This is sad.

  44. Love M.A. Avatar
    Love M.A.

    Should name her style “Be like M. Abramovic”. Not this time girl, not you.

    1. Selena Gavala Avatar
      Selena Gavala

      oh God, how right you are!!! I thought the same!!!

  45. William Avatar

    And they will find some Idiot who will purchase this for 50 K LOL : she has lousy aim..

  46. choochoo Avatar

    Lack of actual talent forces “creativity” and her idea of ‘pushing boundaries’ gets simplified to a bodily function. Not art when compared to those with skill; it becomes “art” because she’s controversial. Not for me…I like those that are inspired and truly possess creative skill.

    Props to her for her boldness…

  47. free fall does not affect dropper’s abilities. So it does not matter who, where, how drop the egg. so where is the art here?
    Please, Please, Please!

    1. Away and get your man’s tea on. Nae eggs. FFS, what else to get attention? Pathetic. But this is where we’re headed.

  48. spencer Avatar

    This is pathetic, I could just drop those eggs from my hand, why is it art once it comes out the vagina??

    1. because she is using vagina power and that over rules any other method…..LOL

    2. Because she is showing the “birth” of a painting.

  49. i don’t trust artist with fake boobs…

    1. I hear they have fake orgasms too!

  50. Oh my god. So this is art is it?
    I’m a bit skint at the moment, so if I shove some eggs up my arse and shit them out will any of you pretentious lot be happy to pay me if I say it represents my childhood or something? Would be belting if you could.

    1. Ceci Pipe Avatar
      Ceci Pipe

      Art is more than just stuff you like, you know that, right?

      Anyway, you seem like a bit of a troll so let’s not argue. Let’s be friends.

      Just note the title: “PlopEgg Painting Performance – a Birth of a Picture”

      Birth, creation, art vs life, art reflecting life, life reflecting art… It looks like she’s actually put some thought into this, which is how this makes art. There’s a purpose to this, a meaning, it’s personal, intimate, and a reflection on…

      Well, anyway, I said I wasn’t going to get involved in troll feeding. Or baiting, though you seem to do more baiting than I ever will. Point being, there’s a reason she did what she did. And the first rule of being nice is to stop for a moment and instead of assuming the other person is stupid, assume they’re as smart as you are and work from there. If in doubt, ask. There’s a lot of us happy to help. :)

      1. She shoved eggs up her vagina. SHE SHOVED EGGS UP HER VAGINA. I mean come on man?

        But hey like I said, if you’re willing to pay up handsomely I’ll happily shove things into my body and call it art too.

        1. Totally agree. This is not art at all.
          Wtf, so now art is introducing eggs into your pussy. Cool fact.
          Gonna danse with my dick and create a new dance genre, dick dance. I’m a fucking genius.

      2. Nicole Traceski Avatar
        Nicole Traceski

        uh JD is the troll?? seriously… this is disgusting. Ceci… I think YOU are the troll…

      3. You are a pervert. Nothing else to add.
        Deal with it. I’m not a troll, I’m just realist.

      4. Shane Phillips Avatar
        Shane Phillips

        What is it these days with automatically assuming that someone’s a troll if they have an opinion you find disagreeable?

        What exact thought does it take to shove an egg up a woman’s cooch, then push it out and let it splatter on the ground? It’s not exactly einstein and darwin having a conversation, is it?

        Now don’t get me wrong, I personally don’t care what people do with their bodies as long as it’s not harming anyone else, I just take issue with how loosely the term “art” is used these days, and how people consider this kind of thing an act of high bravery and intellect when it really isn’t.

        1. Sacratti Langnese Avatar
          Sacratti Langnese

          What do you think, no “loosely art” will be art? Fuck it, if I could squirt or ejakulate colours on a canvas, wouldn`t it be art? What do you think art is- Joseph Beuys and a piece of butter in a corner? Everything is art, as long as “Brunzbrünnele”- manneken piss well- people are “pissed on”.

  51. jake hollywood Avatar
    jake hollywood

    I like it! Its very imaginative and creative! Id love to be able to walk around in the nude! Its illegal over here and they lock you up in a mental institute if you do… As an artist myself I can definately appreciate her boldness and far beyond boundaries approach to her art. There are no boundaries for those who have real imagination!

    1. You’re an artist too? Tell me, what do you shoot out of your vagina/arehole?
      Bowling pins? Belt buckles? What does it represent?

      You’re so right, there are no boundaries for people who have real imagination. If you put your mind to it, I’m sure the possibilities of what you can cram into your orifices are limitless! It’s a pity that despite her obvious orifice shooting talents, Miss Moire and people like yourself might never be able to shoot your own head out of your arse, which may well be permanently stuck there.

      1. jake hollywood Avatar
        jake hollywood

        It could be that your artisnegativity. This woman isobviously verycomfortable with her artand naked body.What makes it unique and artisthe naked ness.Not necessarily the justthe eggs droppping fromthe vagina,but inthe nakedness itself. Her body isthe artthe nakedness and the eggs dropping fromher vagina isthe form. ARTFORM! Thatswhat makes her unique ajd gained atrention ishowshe does it.Nowyou say what would happen if you dropped eggs fromyour arsehole? I actuallywouldnt be impressed,because as sour as you sound it would only be a mockeryon your partnow. Its also not necessarily where or howshe does it either.The amazement iswhy she does it.She states she understands rhat you might not undetstand her art, and she isfi e with that. There are alot more worse things to ckmplain and be sour about than howine isexpressing her own comfotablity inbeing nakedness.Imsure your own artisverygreat, as well as hers.Have you the gavelof the universe to judge her artform? Excuse me if you do…

        1. Artist didn’t pass english I see

        2. c.hills Avatar

          Have you even taken a history of art class? Do you know how many women have made performance art naked let alone used their vagina to create art. There’s even a category Female Body Art. Not only is this unoriginal but she lacks a concept or statement. She even folded over the canvas to make a double of the print like you would in high school. The only reason people are impressed is because they are shocked she’s nude and haven’t been exposed to very much body art before. The idea’s been done.

        3. Check out the Gutai painters, she is not doing anything original. The platform that gives anyone the right to say anything they want is their role as the viewer. Also, being an artist denotes a responsibility of critique simply by claiming the profession. We are ourselves and also we are one.

        4. Being naked does not make you a better artist! Being naked gives you no talent at all, I’ve always despised this fucking woman and her pseudo art. You can be a nudist and that will never make you an artist. I can go running down the main street balls free shooting paint everywhere and that wont ever let me paint not even as close as Beksinski, what happened when you had to have actual talent to be called an artist, she is just self proclaimed trying to put her twisted ideals into art, which I think its very dumb; they should call her Milo Moire the vaginal drapes designer, she could actually do the same with her hands but it wouldn’t be called art or she would be lesser known perhaps.

          1. Her plastic surgeon’s got more talent than she has.

    2. Stu MacKenzie Avatar
      Stu MacKenzie

      ” Its illegal over here and they lock you up in a mental institute if you do.”
      – No, they just put you in prison. Ask the naked rambler.

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