Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut

Photo artist Caras Ionut lives in the world of Photoshop where he digitally assembles surreal landscapes and portraits using largely his own photography. These are some of my favorites but you can see much more over on 500px. Ionut also offers all kinds of tutorials and workshops available through his website.

Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut surreal digital conceptual

Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut surreal digital conceptual

Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut surreal digital conceptual

Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut surreal digital conceptual

Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut surreal digital conceptual Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut surreal digital conceptual Surreal Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut surreal digital conceptual And don't forget, if you're looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE!


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