Torafu’s Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art

In an attempt to better engage the youngest visitors to the Museum of Contemporary Art in TokyoTorafu Architects created a special art gallery just for kids called Haunted House. On entering the exhibition a few familiar artworks appear hung in frames around a large white cube, but something is clearly amiss as everything appears to be moving.

The eyes in a portrait dart back and forth, a pair of hands emerges from Mona Lisa’s face and begins to manipulate the painting, the head of a portrait turns around in loops, and then a wave of relief as children realize this isn’t another crummy art gallery with old boring art. A secret passageway leads to the cube’s interior where almost every artwork can be manipulated or altered from behind, a place where the art can be touched and kids are free to laugh, run and play while interacting directly with some of the world’s most famous paintings. A killer idea.

You can see much more about Haunted House over on Yatzer, and see more images on Torafu’s website. Photos by Yoshitsugu Fuminari.

And if you’re looking for your own piece of original art, why don’t you check out what’s currently for sale on artFido HERE!


artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries

artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries

artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries

artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries

artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries

artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries

artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries

artFido: Torafus Haunted Art Gallery for Kids at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo kids exhibition art galleries



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